Friday, August 17, 2012


The most annoying human invention that was ever discovered, the copy-paste button! well, to me anyway.

 Okey,okey, first I know some of you would be surprised, call me crazy and even throw shoes and stuff at me, but what I mean by that is how can a single click make a difference, it's obviously easier than typing a paragraph all over again! but it also  proves how humans are in fact lazy by nature, how they want everything at ease, they don't want to work hard and be creative! just a click and that's it.

I admit that at times it was a relief to use, students will get what I mean, but as I discovered more about this button the more I disliked it. Lets go back to that point about creativity, okey, some people actually bother to use their brains now a days, but sadly they don't get the credit they deserve! wont mention  anything big, the simplest example is seen in our daily routine, you know, tweeting, refreshing your statues on face book and stuff. If you look real close you'd see the same idea in each sentience people write, they actually think they'll manage to trick you by changing few words! but it is still the same, oh! and some actually steal it and post it again in front of your eyes! two soled profs that it is actually stolen from someone, and don't get me started with stolen quotes,it's sad and will never end.

This button also has been used in a lot in gossiping and chatting, heads up BBM *as in Black Berry Messenger and iPhone Whattsapp users, specially the Ladies! yes, believe it or not copy-pasting conversations and juicy details to each others has never been easier, some people think its cool to go around and do these things, two are having a conversation, good or bad it doesn't matter, and the third one is waiting anxiously to know what's up, click! and then they talk, laugh, analyse the situation, bad-mouth the first one who clearly has no idea what's going on behind her,yeah, they call it friendship, but all I see are a bunch of back stabbers and trust-breakers. Not cool, not okey, and those who do that shouldn't be kept as friends or lovers, remember! those who copy-paste shit to you will copy-paste shit about you.

What I mentioned were few examples, Am also not judging every person who uses it, copy-pasting has its benefits, but lets face it, the button has been over used, it putted so many great thinkers' minds into a long coma and awakened so many repeated boring ideas plus trust issues, it's time to wake up!

In the end, all what am trying to say is, create your own ideas! your not stupid! I am aslo not cornering this to just writings and writers, every person is good at something, but the thing is you got to move your lazy ass and discover it on your own! stop copying the Americans, the Chines, the Russians! stop looking around at what others are doing or achieving and look at yourself, you'd be surprised at the amount of thing you could do on your own with your own thinkingm it wont hurt to get inspired by others though. So say no to copy-paste, return it to its original purpose, it was nothing but a ''helping'' button from the start.

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